- Amir Alavi (b. 1984) is a composer and Pianist born in Tehran, Iran.
- Education of Amir Alavi:
- Tehran university of Arts M.A in Music Composition Tehran -Iran 2010.
- Composition Instructors:
- Ahmad Pezhman, Mehran Rouhani, Sharif Lotfi ,…
- Ranked 1st and was the winner of 26th Music Composition competition, Fajr International Music Festival 2010.
- Work Experience:
- Lecturer at Tehran University of Art Tehran-Iran (2011-present )
- Teaching of Amir Alavi:
- Music composition at B.A. and M.A. level, Orchestration at B.A. and M.A. level, Supervisor and advisor of numerous B.A. and M.A. dissertation, Classical Music form, Tonal harmony, 20thCentury Music harmony, ,Piano, Music Theory.
- Number of his compositions have been performed and professionally recorded by various European orchestras and ensembles.
- Manager of Pezhvak Music Academy,Iran-Tehran .
- producer of ( ECV) Records.